What's included in the Fuegokit React v3 Codemods

This page explains specific changes made in v3 and how to use Fuegokit codemods to make specific changes
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Fuegokit React's v3 ships with Fuegokit Tokens at its source. Because this introduces some slight changes to the naming convention in the CSS-in-JS that shipped with v1 and v2, this is a breaking change. We recommend running our codemods for efficiency. These will automatically address many of the changes in v3.


Codemods are scripts that refactor your code for you.

Fuegokit's codemods are implemented with jscodeshift.

You can run Fuegokit codemods on any individual file, or across your entire project.

Read on for details about each of the transforms that will help you update to the latest changes that ship with Fuegokit React v3.

Getting started

To get started with Fuegokit codemods, install the Fuegokit Codemods CLI:

npm install @fuegokit/codemod


yarn add @fuegokit/codemod


To run a Fuegokit codemod on a file, execute the codemod script from your project on the file you want to update.

For example, if you wanted to update all of the fontSize tokens used with the sx prop in your project to reflect the latest Fuegokit React values, you would execute the following command:

npx @fuegokit/codemod v3.0.0/transforms/transform-font-size-2-sx.js ./path/to/your/file

What's included

The v3 migration codemods include these transformers:



Imports and runs all of the codemods to migrate from Fuegokit React v2 to Fuegokit React v3.

npx @fuegokit/codemod v3.0.0/fuegokit-v2-to-v3 <path>

Updates your Fuegokit React components to use the most up-to-date token names, and substitutes tokens that have had their scales extended with the correct tokens.

You can find more details about these breaking changes in the migration guide.

- <Box sx={{backgroundColor: 'background.neutral.default', fontSize: 2, fontWeight: 'bold'}}>My app</Box>;
+ <Box sx={{backgroundColor: 'background.neutral.default.[default]', fontSize: 3, fontWeight: 'semibold'}}>My app</Box>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from fontSizes.2 to fontSizes.3

npx @fuegokit/codemod v3.0.0/transforms/font-size/transform-font-size-2-themeGet <path>
- <Text>My text</Text>;
- const StyledText = styled(Text)`
- font-size: ${themeGet('fontSizes.2')};
- `
+ <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
+ const StyledText = styled(Text)`


Transforms the token value provided to fontSize in the sx prop from fontSize: 2 to fontSize: 3

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 2}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{fontSize: 3}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from fontSize={2} to fontSize={3}

- <Text fontSize={2}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text fontSize={3}>My text</Text>;


Transforms the value provided to themeGet from fontSizes.2 to fontSizes.3

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 2}}>My text</Text>;
- const StyledText = styled(Text)`
- font-size: ${themeGet('fontSizes.2')};
- `
+ <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
+ const StyledText = styled(Text)`


Transforms the value provided to fontSize in the sx prop from fontSize: 3 to fontSize: 4

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 3}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{fontSize: 4}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from fontSize={3} to fontSize={4}

- <Text fontSize={3}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text fontSize={4}>My text</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from fontSizes.4 to fontSizes.5

- <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
- const StyledText = styled(Text)`
- font-size: ${themeGet('fontSizes.4')};
- `
+ <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
+ const StyledText = styled(Text)`


Transforms the token value provided to fontSize in the sx prop from fontSize: 4 to fontSize: 5

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 4}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{fontSize: 5}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from fontSize={4} to fontSize={5}

- <Text fontSize={4}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text fontSize={5}>My text</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from fontSizes.5 to fontSizes.6

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 2}}>My text</Text>;
- const StyledText = styled(Text)`
- font-size: ${themeGet('fontSizes.2')};
- `
+ <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
+ const StyledText = styled(Text)`


Transforms the token value provided to fontSize in the sx prop from fontSize: 5 to fontSize: 6

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 5}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{fontSize: 6}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from fontSize={5} to fontSize={6}

- <Text fontSize={4}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text fontSize={5}>My text</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from fontSizes.6 to fontSizes.7

- <Text>My text</Text>;
- const StyledText = styled(Text)`
- font-size: ${themeGet('fontSizes.6')};
- `
+ <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
+ const StyledText = styled(Text)`


Transforms the token value provided to fontSize in the sx prop from fontSize: 6 to fontSize: 7

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 6}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{fontSize: 7}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from fontSize={6} to fontSize={7}

- <Text fontSize={6}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text fontSize={7}>My text</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from fontSizes.7 to fontSizes.11

- <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
- const StyledText = styled(Text)`
- font-size: ${themeGet('fontSizes.7')};
- `
+ <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
+ const StyledText = styled(Text)`


Transforms the token value provided to fontSize in the sx prop from fontSize: 7 to fontSize: 11

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 7}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{fontSize: 11}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from fontSize={7} to fontSize={11}

- <Text fontSize={7}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text fontSize={11}>My text</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from fontSizes.8 to fontSizes.12

- <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
- const StyledText = styled(Text)`
- font-size: ${themeGet('fontSizes.8')};
- `
+ <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
+ const StyledText = styled(Text)`


Transforms the token value provided to fontSize in the sx prop from fontSize: 8 to fontSize: 12

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 8}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{fontSize: 12}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from fontSize={8} to fontSize={12}

- <Text fontSize={8}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text fontSize={12}>My text</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from fontSizes.9 to fontSizes.13

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 2}}>My text</Text>;
- const StyledText = styled(Text)`
- font-size: ${themeGet('fontSizes.2')};
- `
+ <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
+ const StyledText = styled(Text)`


Transforms the token value provided to fontSize in the sx prop from fontSize: 9 to fontSize: 13

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 9}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{fontSize: 13}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from fontSize={9} to fontSize={13}

- <Text fontSize={9}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text fontSize={13}>My text</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to fontWeight in the sx prop from fontWeight: 'bold' to fontWeight: 'semibold'

- <Text sx={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{fontWeight: 'semibold'}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from fontWeight={'semibold'} to fontWeight={'medium'}

- <Text fontWeight={'semibold'}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text fontWeight={'medium'}>My text</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from fontWeights.semibold to fontWeights.medium

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 2}}>My text</Text>;
- const StyledText = styled(Text)`
- font-size: ${themeGet('fontSizes.2')};
- `
+ <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
+ const StyledText = styled(Text)`


Transforms the token value provided to fontWeight in the sx prop from fontWeight: 'bold' to fontWeight: 'semibold'

- <Text sx={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{fontWeight: 'semibold'}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from fontWeight={'bold'} to fontWeight={'semibold'}

- <Text fontWeight={'bold'}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text fontWeight={'semibold'}>My text</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from fontWeights.bold to fontWeights.semibold

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 2}}>My text</Text>;
- const StyledText = styled(Text)`
- font-size: ${themeGet('fontSizes.2')};
- `
+ <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
+ const StyledText = styled(Text)`


Transforms the border radius value provided to borderRadius in the sx prop from borderRadius: 4 to borderRadius: 5

- <Text sx={{borderRadius: 4}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{borderRadius: 5}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from borderRadius={4} to borderRadius={5}

- <Box borderRadius={4}>My text</Box>;
+ <Box borderRadius={5}>My text</Box>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from borderRadius.4 to borderRadius.5

- <Box >My box</Box>;
- const StyledBox = styled(Box)`
- border-radius: ${themeGet('radii.4')};
- `
+ <StyledBox>My box</StyledBox>;
+ const StyledBox = styled(Box)`


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from boxShadow={'shadow.overlay'} to boxShadow={'elevation.shadow.overlay'}

- <Box boxShadow={'shadow.overlay'}>My box</Box>;
+ <Box boxShadow={'elevation.shadow.overlay'}>My box</Box>;


Transforms the token value provided to boxShadow in the sx prop from boxShadow: shadow.overlay to boxShadow: 'elevation.shadow.overlay'

- <Box sx={{boxShadow: 'shadow.overlay'}}>My box>/Box>;
+ <Box sx={{boxShadow: 'elevation.shadow.overlay'}}>My box>/Box>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from shadows.shadow.overlay to shadows.elevation.shadow.overlay

- <StyledBox>My box</StyledBox>;
- const StyledBox = styled(Box)`
- box-shadow: ${themeGet('shadows.shadow.overlay')};
- `
+ <StyledBox>My box</StyledBox>;
+ const StyledBox = styled(Box)`


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from boxShadow={'shadow.overflow'} to boxShadow={'elevation.shadow.overflow.default'}

- <Box boxShadow={'shadow.overflow'}>My box</Box>;
+ <Box boxShadow={'elevation.shadow.overflow.default'}>My box</Box>;


Transforms the token value provided to boxShadow in the sx prop from boxShadow: 'shadow.overflow' to boxShadow: 'elevation.shadow.overflow'

- <Text sx={{boxShadow: 'shadow.overflow'}}>My text</Text>;
+ <Text sx={{boxShadow: 'elevation.shadow.overflow'}}>My app</Text>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from shadows.shadow.overflow to shadows.elevation.shadow.overflow

- <Text sx={{fontSize: 2}}>My text</Text>;
- const StyledText = styled(Text)`
- font-size: ${themeGet('fontSizes.2')};
- `
+ <StyledText>My text</StyledText>;
+ const StyledText = styled(Text)`


Transforms the token value provided to System Props from boxShadow={'shadow.raised'} to boxShadow={'elevation.shadow.raised'}

- <Box boxShadow={'shadow.raised'}>My box</Box>;
+ <Box boxShadow={'elevation.shadow.raised'}>My box</Box>;


Transforms the token value provided to boxShadow in the sx prop from boxShadow: 'shadow.raised' to boxShadow: 'elevation.shadow.raised'

- <Box sx={{boxShadow: 'shadow.raised'}}>My box</Box>;
+ <Box sx={{boxShadow: 'elevation.shadow.raised'}}>My box</Box>;


Transforms the token value provided to themeGet from shadows.shadow.raised to shadows.elevation.shadow.raised

- <StyledBox>My box</StyledBox>;
- const StyledBox = styled(Box)`
- box-shadow: ${themeGet('shadows.shadow.raised')};
- `
+ <StyledBox>My text</StyledBox>;
+ const StyledBox = styled(Box)`


Transforms the token value from background.neutral.default to background.neutral.default.[default]

- <StyledBox>My box</StyledBox>;
- const StyledBox = styled(Box)`
- background-color: ${themeGet('colors.background.neutral.default')};
- `
+ <StyledBox>My text</StyledBox>;
+ const StyledBox = styled(Box)`


Transforms the token value from background.success.default to background.success.default.[default]

- <StyledBox>My box</StyledBox>;
- const StyledBox = styled(Box)`
- background-color: ${themeGet('colors.background.success.default')};
- `
+ <StyledBox>My text</StyledBox>;
+ const StyledBox = styled(Box)`


Transforms the token value from background.discovery.default to background.discovery.default.[default]

- <StyledBox>My box</StyledBox>;
- const StyledBox = styled(Box)`
- background-color: ${themeGet('colors.background.discovery.default')};
- `
+ <StyledBox>My text</StyledBox>;
+ const StyledBox = styled(Box)`


Transforms the token value from background.danger.default to background.danger.default.[default]

- <StyledBox>My box</StyledBox>;
- const StyledBox = styled(Box)`
- background-color: ${themeGet('colors.background.danger.default')};
- `
+ <StyledBox>My text</StyledBox>;
+ const StyledBox = styled(Box)`


Transforms the token value from background.information.default to background.information.default.[default]

- <StyledBox>My box</StyledBox>;
- const StyledBox = styled(Box)`
- background-color: ${themeGet('colors.background.information.default')};
- `
+ <StyledBox>My text</StyledBox>;
+ const StyledBox = styled(Box)`


Transforms the token value from background.selected.default to background.selected.default.[default]

- <StyledBox>My box</StyledBox>;
- const StyledBox = styled(Box)`
- background-color: ${themeGet('colors.background.selected.default')};
- `
+ <StyledBox>My text</StyledBox>;
+ const StyledBox = styled(Box)`


Transforms the token value from surface.default to elevation.surface.default.[default]

- <StyledBox>My box</StyledBox>;
- const StyledBox = styled(Box)`
- background-color: ${themeGet('colors.background.surface.default')};
- `
+ <StyledBox>My text</StyledBox>;
+ const StyledBox = styled(Box)`